Powell Township Board Meeting
April 15, 2025, 7:00 P.M. (third Tuesday each month)
Powell Township Hall, 101 Bensinger St., Big Bay, Michigan, 49808
The following documents are available here for the public the day of the meeting. Hardcopies are available at the Hall the day of the meeting:
- Agenda (with available Agenda item attachments)
- Previous Meeting’s Draft Minutes (for review and approval)
- Bills to be Paid
- Revenue and Expenditure Report
- Treasurer’s Report
- Budget Amendments
To attend remotely, two options are available:
- Join Zoom Meeting (to use computer audio and video):
Meeting ID: 870 4256 7856
Passcode: BigBay
- Call In (to use phone for audio only):
Phone: 1-689-278-1000
Meeting ID: 870 4256 7856
Passcode: 863563