The Regular Powell Township Meeting has NOT been canceled at this date. We will still be having the meeting by conference call available to those who wish to join the meeting from the safety of your home.
EO 2020-48 (Rescission of EO 2020-15)—In effect through May 13, the order temporarily changes the Open Meetings Act (OMA) to allow public bodies to conduct their meetings electronically, while also facilitating public participation. Township boards and commissions subject to OMA can use conference call or video conferencing to continue meeting and conducting business during the coronavirus crisis. On May 7th, Executive Order 2020-75 extends the previous order allowing public bodies to conduct remote public meetings during the continuing COVID-19 pandemic. The new order expires on June 30, 2020.
Please call (978) 990-5101 for those without internet or a computer without a webcam/microphone. No pass code is required. All calls but the Board and/or committee will be muted till Public Comment is open. Remember to announce who is speaking before commenting to the board.
Others may join through and create a free account at and join the meeting ID: powelltownshipboard
The Following Documents are here for the public to follow along with the meeting (will be updated 5/16/2020):
Previous Minutes to be approved